Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Just me and my mommy!

I got bored with my camera so I decided to be in a shot with Michael=)  I look silly but oh well, what can ya do?  Michael waDSC00137s a little focused on the bright and colorful Christmas lights=D. 




There's also a picture from him just hanging out on the DSC00142 couch stretching away and also a picture of him sleeping peacefully in the swing.  I've come to the conclusion that if he could he'd live in that swing!  =P Enjoy!


Michael tries out some Christmas photos..keyword-tries.

I've been trying to sDSC00115nap some photos of Michael in his cute little Christmas outfits but it just DSC00120doesn't seem to work.  I got some shots of him in his oversized sweater-but he wasn't looking.  Then I tried the "My 1st Christmas".  You can tell for yourself what occurred there, haha.    DSC00135

Friday, December 12, 2008

Peek-a-boo, I see you!

Michael was a little skeptical at first when using the jungle gym that his cousin Claire gaveDSC00091 him, but now he loves it!  I shot some photos of him hanging out in there-I wish you could here him talking to his friend Morty Moose!!  DSC00089 DSC00088 

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Yay for a new camera and smiles!!!

So we decided to get a new camera--one that'll actuallyDSC00051 work!  Michael is doing so well, I can't believe how big he's getting.  Last time at his one month checkup he weighed in at 8 lbs. 6 oz.; just opposite of his birth weight of 6lbs. 8 oz.  I'm sure by now he's gained at least two pounds!  He measures at 20 3/4 inches-which I think he weighs more than that.

In other wonderful news, MDSC00057ichael has begun to smile!  It's so much fun to watch him smiling when you talk to him.  I'm still not sure who he looks like quite yet-I see both DJ and I.  However, Michael definitely looks like DJ did as a child.

Michael's next checkup is January 5th-so we'll get to see how much he weighs then!  Here are some pictuDSC00056res--a few of many to come--that I shot of him on the couch today.  He's holding his head up quite well, too!

Friday, November 28, 2008

I could just gobble you up!

Yesterday was baby Michael's first Thanksgiving!  He was just a little fussy and wouldn't let Mommy or Daddy eat but luckily we had DJ's family helping and willing to hold Michael while we ate=).  Here's a picture of Michael in Claire Bear's "Thankful for MomS6302680my" onesie in which she wore last year!  And if this works out-there's a video of Michael.  If it doesn't work then I will try to do YouTube and create a website there for videos! Here is also a picture of him falling asleep in his swing:)

One month update-Michael now weighs a whopping 8lbs 6oz.- just opposite of what he was when he was born!  He is 20 3/4 inches long-but S6302677I think he is just a little bit longer.  His next visit will be in another month at his 2month check up.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Late Post--Visit from Grandma CaCa and Aunt Laurie

Okay-it's been a while since I've updated-my apologies. The weekend that Michael was born we had a special visit from Grandma CaCa and Aunt Laurie. We took some pictures although Aunt Regina thinks they aren't of great quality like her pictures are=P.

This weekend (Halloween to be exact) also marked the falling off of Michael's stump finally! Boy oh boy did that thing stink!

Here are some pictures from the visit weekend...more pictures to come as soon as I find some new batteries! =)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Precious little boy!

Michael is a healthy little boy, not to mention a gassy one--he must get that from Daddy! =P Here's some pictures of the little bundle..I like the one where I caught him mid-sneeze--hehe hope he doesn't mind!

He's here!

Sorry on the late post--it's been such a crazy week! Baby Michael has finally arrived-a week early which is fine by me (This last month of being pregnant has been miserable). He was 6 lbs. 8 oz. at 19 1/2 inches long..not too bad since they thought he'd be a tiny little baby. Let me tell you he didn't feel like a tiny little one!! I went completely natural with no drugs!! I also had no tears or stitches! I was accompanied by DJ and my sister Regina in the delivery room; yes Regina got her wish to be in with me. It took about an hour or so to deliver and out came Michael James at 1:04 a.m. on October 27th.

Here's the labor story. I started feeling super back pain as well as leg cramps late Saturday night that kept me up pretty much the whole night. I woke up around 9:30 Sunday and went downstairs to my pregnancy photo shoot(perfect timing huh?) Around 10 I began to feel little mini contractions which I thought were just those Braxton-Hicks. I told Gina about it and we began to wonder if today was the day. After a few more hours of going through the mini contractions, DJ and I decided to go for a walk to see if it would speed things up or if it was just a false alarm. After a mile-long walk around Cooperstown, we returned home around 7 pm that night. My contractions had dwindled down by then so I assumed it was just false labor. Boy was I wrong.

At around 9 p.m. they started up again. This time they were more intense and closer together. By then I knew I was going to go to the hospital that night. I decided to count my contractions which seemed to be irregular so I figured I still had some time. I got into the shower for the 3rd time that day around 10 pm. Regina gave me the birth ball to sit on which probably wasn't such a good idea being my bathroom was going to fall through the ceiling at any moment! But that's a whole different story now. Anyway, I called the Birthing Center and informed them of my contractions. They told me I'm in early labor and still had a few hours yet, so stay at home as long as I could. That lasted only so long. I think it was around 11 pm when I decided we needed to go! My contractions were really painful now that I was on all fours trying to relieve them.

It was around 11:30 when we arrived(Correct me if I'm wrong Regina). They put me in a gown and put the belly wrap on me(super uncomfortable) and off to the room I went to get checked. They put me in the room where patients are just checked to see if they're even dilated or not. Guess who was 9 cm? Yep, I was ready.

I wanted to use the tub but the mid-wife wouldn't let me because I was ready to pop. Good thing I got the shower at home! The last few moments of being pregnant were rough. I screamed out that I wanted drugs a few times, but my coaches, Dj and Regina were there to help me through the painful pushes! 1:04 arrived, and so did Michael!

I'd give pics but it looks like Gina already did the honors! Thanks G!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Guest Post By Regina

Can you guess the reason I'm posting instead of Amanda?! Baby Michael has arrived!

October 27, 2008
6 pounds 8 ounces
19.5 inches

Here's a slideshow of the photos I took a few minutes after he was born.

Amanda had a BEAUTIFUL natural childbirth...she toughed it out and arrived at the hospital 9 cm and just about ready to birth. Michael was born about 45 minutes later with DJ, myself and my daughter Claire by her side. Earlier that day we had taken some maternity portraits - we got them done just in time apparently! Here's a link to the online album: Amanda's Maternity Portraits.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Some Baby Shower pics

Here are some pics from my baby shower which was held on Long Island at a fun Spanish restaurant--check out the cool baby cake my sister's godmother made!!

A much, much needed update!

I've been getting screamed at by my two sisters to update my blog--I can't blame them either; I'm due in a week and haven't updated in about two months=O! So here are some pictures of my oh-so-ready belly!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Just a random update

Hello all. Just giving a random update--no pictures sorry!! I actually do have more pics but I gotta find my camera cord! Anyway, little kicker aka Michael has been doing great..heartbeat is normal--as well as movement. I went down to Long Island this past weekend and saw the family. Everyone saw my big ol' belly and even got to see Michael moving like crazy! Laurie loved spitting on me and scaring Michael to wake him up so she could watch him move=P Mom enjoyed watching him jump around and do all sorts of somersaults in my belly. I have a doctor's appointment on Friday so I should update then!! So long!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Sohere are some new photos which Laurie has been begging for!! =) I've come to realize just how much I've grown over the past few weeks..and I'm not even done yet! Went to the doctor's today, everything was fine, Michael is great-being a stubborn little boy and running away from the heart monitor-boys;) No more ultrasounds =( Guess we'll just have to wait until November to see him!

Carrying a load!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Time for updates!

I am 25 weeks and 1 day today. I finally took some more belly shots to show everyone how much I've grown. But first..I'd like to inform everyone of my cravings. I am not a pickle eater or an olive eater--which many people are surprised because before being pregnant I could eat a whole jar of olives=) I tend to crave ice cream, a lot. I also love love Salt & Vinegar chips and Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches...I know, terrible. But I also do eat fruit everyday. Friday we went food shopping and I bought blueberries, strawberries, kiwi, peaches, and plums. I've been eating Cheerios with strawberries and blueberries each morning now. I also bought oatmeal in which I intend on putting fruit in. Last night for dinner we had lasagna with rice pilaf and mushrooms along with some carrots. So I'm not eating terribly as my mother would like to think=P I am actually eating quite well minus the ice cream and Jimmy Dean's =) Anyway, I've been feeling quite alright..just tired here and there. Michael is doing wonderful somersaulting away in my belly:) Thursday I have a doctors appointment so they'll tell me how he's doing as well! Here's the much waited for pictures!!

Pretty bad pics but I don't have my photographer--Regina=P

Friday, July 11, 2008

Oh Jeezums

So, whoever said that Michael would be at least ten pounds is mean>=O!

Although, I'd have to say I might just agree with you all. He seems to be growing at the speed of sound, and I can feel it. I feel his kicks more and more each day--usually really late at night or early in the a.m. I have a doctor's appointment in 2 weeks so I'm hoping they can set me up with another ultrasound to tell me just how big he is now!!

I went down to Long Island last weekend and saw my family..all enjoyed and touched Michael. My mom swears I'm further along then I think--either that or I'm having twins!! Oh God! So, well find out after the ultrasound!!!

Belly shots are for sure coming soon!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I apologize for not updating in a while! Last weekend DJ and I went down to New Jersey to visit Regina and Dan. We had a little photoshoot with Regina and we picked up some baby stuff=) Here's a few shots from photoshoot 1 of many!!
We love our little growing one!! =)
I am currently around 23 weeks--I have been feeling Michael move like there is no tomorrow and I enjoy it!! Well, mostly enjoy it...I do not enjoy when I have to pee and he's kicking all over=P. I've begun to see him move around which is really cool..I showed Aunt Laurie this weekend and she was all smiles!! =)
I should be getting another ultrasound pretty soon hopefully so those pictures will be coming!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Super Kicker!!!'s official. He's a kicker for sure! I keep feeling movements all the's wonderful. I also saw my tummy move and it wasn't gas=P

=) belly pics coming soon!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

We've got some movement!!

Just updating to let everyone know--I have felt some movement!!! =)
I thought I felt him moving two weeks ago but wasn't 100% sure but now I am certainly sure that I feel him moving around in there! It feels kinda cool that I can feel him moving and kicking. I'm sure I'm going to feel much more moving over the next few months:)

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Here's a first look at my growing doesn't seem like much but I can tell I'm going to get really big with this boy!!

&&Here's little Michael himself at 18weeks;;he looks like such a little alien=p