Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Sohere are some new photos which Laurie has been begging for!! =) I've come to realize just how much I've grown over the past few weeks..and I'm not even done yet! Went to the doctor's today, everything was fine, Michael is great-being a stubborn little boy and running away from the heart monitor-boys;) No more ultrasounds =( Guess we'll just have to wait until November to see him!

Carrying a load!!


Regina @ Chalk In My Pocket said...

OMG look at that belly! You look awesome, should we schedule another shoot soon? :-)

Aunt Laurie said...

HOLY MOLY!!!! I can't believe how big you have gotten! EEk! Stop taking so long to update this thing.

Aunt Laurie said...

I want more pictures slacker!!!!! OF you and your alien belly!