Monday, January 26, 2009

More pictures!!

I also have two pics from wheDSC00211n Aunt Laurie and Uncle Matt came up!  I personally love the picture of Matt, Michael and Dolce=).  Laurie would have had pictures with Michael but we were all too busy and might I add lazy to get up and get a camera..although I did snap a photo of her cooking us breakfast.  I tried cooking breakfast but I lost my job doing so and had to make peanut butter cookies insteaDSC00207d=).  Laurie, Matt, DJ, Michael, and I all went out to dinner at the DoubleDay cafe in Cooperstown for our first night out since Michael was born.  I must say it went quite well!!

In other news, Michael's next visit is March 10 and I cannot wait to see how mDSC00205uch he weighs.  I know this child will be talking soon, he "coos" all day long it's the cutest thing! =)   He also has gained the nickname 'Droolbaby'  He drools constantly and is blowing bubbles like there is no end in sight!

Tomorrow Michael will be three months old, can you believe how quickly the time went?  I can't believe iDSC00215t was just like yesterday I was in labor with him doing my final maternity shoot with Regina!! Ahh, a day I will never made it quite memorable for me G!






Almost there!!

Michael has been turning lately...well, he's beDSC00216 en turning for a while but now he's truly beginning to turn!!  He's so close to completely rolling over, so I have to keep a close eye on him!  Here's some cute photos.  I also took some pictures of him with his mini "hawk".  He really likes when I brush his hair.  Sorry for the red picture--I had a "duh" Amanda moment...I couldn't figure outDSC00217 for a quite some piDSC00219ctures why they were turning out red when finally I realized--Duh, I have my finger over the flash!! Haha, Mom will get a good kick out of this!! 


Thursday, January 15, 2009

I've got a friend!

So I was snapping pictures of Michael and look who dropped by...Ladybug of course!  Haha, we have a serious amount of ladybugs in our house and this one just happened to plop down on Michael's head.   DSC00203DSC00204

Here are the pictures I was originally trying to take before we had a little visitor. =)DSC00198


Bounce with me now!

Update time!  Michael is now 2 1/2 months old.  He had his 2 month check up recently and I must say, he wasn't a happy camper.  Why?  He had his first shots =( PoDSC00170or baby.  He was enjoying his time at the doctor's office until they stuck him!  In other news, he now weighs 12 pounds!  Here's a few snaps of him in his(Claire's) bouncy seat and in Aunt Laurie's Elmo towel.  Enjoy! DSC00193DSC00192  DSC00197 DSC00182