Thursday, July 30, 2009


This is a really needed post!!!
It's been a while since Michael's new pictures, and these aren't actually from my camera!!
They're from Aunt Lisa's so, everyone, thank Aunt Lisa and enojoy!!!!!Can you tell which ones Michael is realllly tired and it's reallllly early in the morning =)
Sorry for the layout of these photos---Michael is a weeee bit cranky!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Excuses, excuses, excuses

I know, there's no excuse for not posting...but there sort of is.
You see, I bought a new camera charger--worked great for about 2 minutes until I put the battery in and it says on my camera "Please use a compatible battery". So, now I cannot use my camera PERIOD!
I think I will return my camera and get a new one because Michael is growing more and more each day and no one is seeing it but DJ and I!!!!!!Oh, and of course Michael's best friend, Dolce.

Anyway, in Michael news. He's standing!!!! Not on his own yet, but sure has the guts to try!
He actually pulled himself all the way up to standing position last night while sitting.
Has not mastered the crawl yet, but I think his "military crawl" is as far as he's gonna get. Just imagine a little chunky baby military crawling across the living room floor, quite entertaining =)

Last appointment he weighed 19lbs, still don't believe it!!!
All is healthy minus his diaper rash=(
But we have cream for him now which seems to be working every now and then, we have another Dr. appointment tomorrow so we'll see what she thinks.

He's blurting out Mama, baba, and Da here and there along with Buvvvv. You've gotta hear it to understand it.
Still loves television remotes, Daddy's Playstation controller, and every little paper under the coffee table....anything that isn't his to play with.
Might I add how much he LOVES Dolce?!
Poor Dolce yelps when he tugs to hard at her eyes...which brings me to Michael's next favorite thing to do...PINCHING! God that child has quite the grip. You've gotta see our arms and face and everywhere else he grabs...we're all bruised!!!!!

Aside from him pinching, he is a darling little angel.
Hopefully I will have new pictures up soon!!!!!!